Phone: 843-856-1045


Recycling Services in Charleston SC:

We do it all!

Pick-up, Packaging,
Sorting, Shredding,
Recovering and Shipping

Recycling is more than just a business at Meridian Materials Management. It’s our mission.

We deliver maximum value to clients and to the environment with a turnkey, international operation specializing in aerospace and electronic materials. Meridian Materials Management  is deeply committed to protecting our ecosystem from the hazards of landfills and incineration.

Maximum Return For Customers

A missed platinum coating or gold or palladium connection could cost you thousands of dollars—but it won’t happen here at Meridian. Our skilled metallurgical team uses sophisticated tube-based analyzers with x-ray fluorescence (XRF) technology to ensure that no scarce alloy or precious metal-bearing substance goes unrecovered.

International logistics

Our packaging and transport service professionals will pick up and package your materials from any domestic or international location and ship them anywhere in the world. Comprehensive logistical support is an important part of our recycling service.[/two_third_last